Dear Lord, Thank you! Thank You! I really want thanks you a hundred times and even more than thousand times.... This is the right and suitable thing that you gave me this afternoon. God, you know everything that I aspect. You know, If I work in Petronas' Mcdonald will makes me more bored and lonely, bcoz there have no chinese there and all are Malay. I prayed you everyday just for the call from Mcdonald... and you did not give any respond. I thought you will not help me anymore. 3 weeks, 3 weeks.. Ya right totally 3 weeks! 1 respond I'm still not receive yet. When the last day that I prayed you in church. I said. I will give up and I am looking for another job. God. you are good! You gave me the respond on that day and the right time. I do not know, Why was I asking Davis about his place got any job vacancy. Davis said, the manager had fired a chef because the chef done a stupid thing just only 2 days ago. Lord, I know you are not giving up to us... Just want us to work in the better place. And No lonely as well..Lord, I love you. Pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Yesterday, I was prayed that I will give up for the job of Mcdonald. Why am I sooo loving to work in there? What is soooo special? Ya, It is really really special. I can learn and get some experience from there. They give us work in kitchen. I want to work there.
Since my ambition is to become chef or Pastry cook then I need to get in the real kitchen to feel the kitchen enviroment. And the restaurant is located near my house.. So I do not have to rush here and there. although the salary they pay is low.. I don mind. Wei, Chaos needs to get experience and Chaos is not working for his whole life.
Then, I prayed that I will find another job since i cant receive any phone call from the Mcdonald. When finish praying. I saw Davis in front of me, and I donno why I asked Davis got any job vacancy in his working place and He called me to interview with his manager at 3pm Next day. and I agreed.
Today, I went for interview. All the workers treated me so friendly. And the supervisor also likes me to work there. I think! hahax. She is Christian. When I asked her .." Can I off on only Sunday?" (bcoz they only provide us to off 1 day in 1 week) She said.. I cannot put you like this.. All workers here always off in randomly. take turns! Then I was worry about, I cannot go to church every Sunday any more. and cannot see Uncle Allan and Aunt Veron any more. So Sad.. But But BUt.. the supervisor said.. She can bring me to church just nearby KLCC there. I donno where is it. Haven't see b4. lolx.
I think God never left us behind ... although we cant go to meet him and cant give him a pray in church but he will always find a way to bring us to meet him. God has a plan! Chaos loves God!
Then the supervisor said.. Can you come on 21 Jan... that's mean next Monday. She treat me like her friend. hahax
hahax... Now Chaos has only 1 week freedom... that all...bye~
Monday, January 14, 2008
I got a JOB.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
My Plan.
Today, I went to Edu' fair which is located in KL Conversion Center. It will suppose to be Me, Jason, Kelvin Loh and Haithal. In the end... All "FFK" except Kelvin Loh. He so good! hahax...
1st, we stepped in the Hall No.5 and saw the Biggest Sign! I was soo happy! KDU! lolx... I am so Syok! First of all.. I was planned to get in KDU after my SPM result is out. Taylors U.C. was my 1st plan.. When I noticed that KDU is cheaper than Taylors U.C. So I changed to KDU! Done! Chaos done a right choice. yeah! good...In future, Chaos is a Chef... do you know? lolx. So, what's his plan? Culinary Arts! of coz. My resolution! Ya, Chaos has a Resolution in his life. Finally!
When we saw the KDU sign.. I ran to the counter and ask for Counselors. Blek! Chaos 1st, 2nd must be kelvin..of coz. hahax. The Counselor asked us to sit. I was so excited. hahax.
Conversation btw double C!
"What course you want to take?"- Counselor
"Culinary Arts." - Chaos
"Oh... This is the list and the fees."-Counselor
~Close the Conversation~
Total: Diploma + Degree =2D
This 2D costs 80K.
OK! Chaos never change his idea ... lolx
Then Next stop is KBU. Why name KBU. IMO, KBU is trying to steal KDU's New students and name the college as KBU. sound is same! Let's say,
"I said.. I study at KBU!!!!"
"Oh... you study at KDU."
Kelvin was asking Interior Design! the KBU's counselor talking like a train! Non-Stop.. then Chaos and Kelvin keep on bow their head.. pretend know what is she saying. She keep pulling me into the design course. But But.. Chaos is not stupid la! why? I said," I will call you if I am interested!" swt! forced me to tell lie! My lie is Helping Lie... It helped me to make her shut up! lolx... But BUT... Kelvin kena tangkap already. Cant save him! Then she asked us to see their student products. OMG! I think my product is better than their college students product. If you think Chaos' product worst! then... their products More even worst! can you imagine?
Next station, we found, chaos interested, kelvin almost interested and the man gave more & clear explanation! Another College provides Culinary Arts and Pastry & Baking. Wow! This time Chaos really really kena tangkap! swt!!! There provides more facilities than KDU! sorry for saying that. but It is! Chaos cannot lie twice a day. Sorry! hahax.
Let's me explain in detail!
The college is located in Singapore! that's mean Chaos need to move from M'sia to Singapore. hahax. There only 15 months. (S$24.4k = Pastry & Baking) and (S$ 24k= Culinary Arts).
That's mean RM4xK la... But but but.... they will give you allowance as well! S$600 per month. If 15 months, that's mean S$ 9k. you will get back S$9k back! Then the course only S$ 15k. In Riggit Malaysia = RM 3Xk... See Chaos SOoooo Smart! lolx
In there... you only study in college 2 days, work 4 days(including practical) and 1 day holiday in 1 week.. They also have 2 BIG football field size of Herb plantation. hahax... I can curi Herb for my mum... lolx! kidding~ The college name is......

Ya! that's right! Call At-Sunrice! weird name... lolx
Then Chaos has only 50% for KDU and 50% for At-Sunrice.
Then, we went to the at-sunrice short seminar. Wow, Imported Chef.
Do you know this college was founded by who???
Your mum? NO....
Chaos? Hope so.. NO
Do you know her restaurant?
Mana pun ada her restaurant. Swt...
1U ah... MidVall...KLCC.. and so on..
Then.. then... then...
Do you know what is Chocz?
The shop which is only sell chocolate!
If you only study Pastry & Baking. It will send you to the shop and learn how to do the Chocolate.
AHHHHHH!!!! AHHhHHH!!! AHHhhH!HH!H....... So excited man. Calm down!
Then Then then...
Do you know AirBus?
They will send their students to the place to learn or make food for the passenger! get it? get it?
donnno... then nvm!
Now Chaos has only 20% for KDU and 80% for at-sunrice. Swt...
If I want to take this college... I should wait until I'm 18! swt... WTF! That's mean Chaos needs to wait until August then can in college... = =! Then they advise me... Call me to go and work! see which 1 is suitable for me... Pastry or Culinary Arts..
Now this is the problem! My ambition is to become Pastry Cook... Why? NO NO No! 1st, I would like to be a Business Man! Sound cool right? When people ask you what is your job? Then you say.. I am business man and Now I am doing my own Business! Sound cool right? hahax.. That was my dream... then then then, When people ask me.. What business r u doing? then, I have NO idea to answer! See See See! that is the problems.. Since I was 13! and 17 i realize that, I'm interested in Cooking, Eating, Pastrying, Enjoying (enjoy expensive food), Dreaming.... lolx
And I am lazy to study.. When i see Book.. I will faint! Not a book worm... Sorry! Chaos is lazy bumn! Worst than Pig... Pig also rajin than Chaos... swt..
SO So Sooo, I need to work for 7 months and get more EXP about cooking and decide which course should I take. and no regret in my future! Chaos wants to be clear.
that's all... My plan. Is all about this. Thank you
Friday, January 11, 2008
Melaka 2
After the meeting.. we ran in the swimming pool, since we needed to get out the bungalow in 30 minutes time... We faster enjoy our self there...lolx PYY and JeeYann so excited.. when jumped into the pool. swt! hahax Crapping again! hahax...
Erm... then we checked out.. Then we decided to go Melaka and Uncle Allan' family cant go bcoz Angie got Mr.Fu class! except Andy... Andy joined us.. Andy, JeeYann and PYY followed Uncle Pang Keong and Aunty Jenny 's Car...then David, Bro and I followed YeeAnn Car.. only 2 cars went to Melaka.
The Cendol! WOW! Perfect...
The Rojak! WOW! Spicy...

Melaka Street.
See the "4 Jesus".Now can see it everywhere already.

BABA's House

Finding place to sit.

Antic Stuff!

Andy's house phone! He said!

Baba' Cendol (Left) and Baba' Laksa (right) Both are PERFECT.
Bro and I ordered Baba's Durian Cendol. Ok la.
I love their GULA MELAKA.. woah!

Andy's New friend...
Nice to meet u buddy!

What I found... This is Sport TOTO! people buy 4D from here.
I think last time, people called this as TOTO TAN & CO. lolx..
This TOTO is under Mr.Tan = Vincent Tan. The Berjaya Group man!
Maybe last time.. was TOTO Tan & Co.
But now change to Sport TOTO.
Melaka Red House
Conversation 2
Another conversation between me and TM-Net Operator. My streamyx modem spoiled. When i was in Melaka, my Modem was kena Lightning Striked. = =!!!
One day, Mr. Ooi realized his Streamyx Modem spoiled. He needed some help. So he called to 100 to ask for help. The Operator is a man. And He was very weird that night.
Start the Conversation!
Mr.Ooi :Hi ^^
Operator : Hi^^, any thing... Sir.
Mr.Ooi : Oh.. ya! I have something to ask you. My modem has some problem and I need your help.
Operator: ya...
Mr.Ooi : My ADSL light is not working now.. and now my LAN light is going to stop now. And I have no SYS light.. Only the Power light is still working.
Operator: huh?
Mr. Ooi: I repeated again, I have NO ADSL light, LAN light and SYS light. And now I cant on9.
Operator: Oh...Ok! Can I have your full name pls...
Operator: huh?
Mr.Ooi : O-O-I T-O-N-G
Operator : let me repeat, Osaka-Osaka-Indonesia Taiwan-Osaka-New Zealand-George Town.
Mr.Ooi : = =!!!
Operator: Right?
Mr.Ooi: YA!
Operator: Ok now! I can see it.. you din on9 now... erm.. Can you unplug all the modem plug then you replug back.
1 minutes later.( after Unplug and replug)
Mr.Ooi : hello!
Operator: How now?
Mr.Ooi : Erm, ADSL light is still blinking... I can see it!
Operator: OK good~ now can you on9?
Mr. Ooi : Wait! the ADSL light gone!
Operator: erm....
Mr. Ooi: Hey, My mum said, Maybe the modem kena strike by lightning..
Operator: Ok.. let's check. r u infront of ur computer?(with a low voice)
Mr.Ooi : Huh??
Operator: R u infront of ur computer?
Mr.Ooi: ya!
Operator: Please press Start.
Mr.Ooi: ok! then?
Operator: Then, Please press RUN.
Mr.Ooi: OK! then
Operator: Please type CMD, China-Malaysia-Denmark ..
Mr.Ooi : = =!!! ( I know la)
Operator: Got Black box come out or not?
Mr.Ooi : ya!
( he called me type a word, But i donno wht word already).
Operator: what is the result?
Mr. Ooi: erm... Media Disconnected.
Operator: Oh.. i know! Your Modem is spoiled.
Mr.Ooi : Then how?
Operator: Let me check got warranty or not...
Mr.Ooi : Ok
Operator: U have only 24 months warranty... then you only left 1x months since u started ur account on April 2007.
Mr. Ooi: Oh..ok then?
Operator: can give me 2 minutes.. I need to write a report.. then i have to give you ReportNo. pls wait...
2 minutes later.......
Operator: Hello!
Mr.Ooi : ya!
Operator: The number is XXXXXXXXXXX
Mr.Ooi: Oh..ok !
Operator: You need to wait for 2 working days then got ppl will come to ur house and check.
Mr.Ooi: erm... can tmr? i need to on9! Urgent!
Operator: Oh... need to see the man can or not.
Mr.Ooi: Ok la..
Operator: Ok la... have any thing?
Mr.Ooi: NO
Operator: OK BYE!
Diiiii.... Diiiiii.. Diiiiiii............................
Mr. Ooi: = =!!!!!
I just came back from Melaka. I miss there so much. Melaka's CENDOL! Miss it! hahax.
Eat, Eat, EAt, EAT, eat and Eat!
I am getting fat and fatter, and BRO is keep adding "L" to his "fat" (L+ FAT= FLAT). He is getting flat and flatter. that's mean every skinny. = =!! My stomach has a BIG DOME shape already. need to go fitness! lolx.. Bro eat a lots but still skinny. Must force him eat a lot! Ok OK! stop crapping here.
When I was waiting for the BUS "rapid KL". Since the name called Rapid but I needed to wait 45minutes then bus come! Very Rapid right? swt! Maybe Rapid in Some situation. example: when you are late and you stop the bus, but the driver don1 to stop and drive it fast as well.. So you will miss the BUS as well... OMG, Crapping here again. Next, I got a call from Aunty Veron, She said she will come to Rasmi Area and fetch me! So nice~... hahax
We gathered in Yong's house, then we leave the house around 4pm. It was raining. In the CAR. All slept. except PYY ! The talkative MAN in the car. lolx. We reached A-Famosa at 5 sth. OMG,
We needed 15minutes to reach bungalow from A-Famosa entrance. Waste Petro right? haiz.. Also waste time. = =!!!
After we settled all, we went to Melaka to have dinner. There was UnHappening places. lolx. All the shops were closed. Only 1 or 2 shops are still open. Then, we found a place to eat.. Food Court. The Most happening place.lolx
Uncle Allan(Left).
The Car provided us spot light ^^.
But Andy still shitting. swt. Just acting.
After that, YeeAnn,BRO, Joanne and EuGin reached. Then Yong Family and I went to find them. Bcoz, YeeAnn donno the road. lolx. YeeAnn needed Uncle Allan to lead the road.
We had our supper then went back to bungalow and rest.
Is EuGin! hahax
He slept outside( not outside the bungalow)..
Why he slept outside? Erm, Maybe need to protect Joanne Teh. lolx
Monday, January 7, 2008
My Journey.
Year 2007 gone! Year 2008 came! A new life now.. need to start a new life again. What should I need to start 1st. Since I am waiting for my SPM result, I have a lot of things to do.Between this 2 months, I need to finish all my MISSION then continue my college as well. 1st, I need a proper JOB! I am waiting for the call now! almost a week they still haven't call me! So sad..T-T. This noon i called them and asked, " Can i know, when can start to work?" and they said, " Can you give me your name and your number.. then we call you as soon as possible." Pray God! Hope they keep their promise. Amen
Then, what should I do in this week since I am waiting the damnly call from the restaurant. So i decided to BAKE! to get some experience of baking! I baked Cookies. Chocolate Chip Cookies! It tastes nice! but the "cookies' look" looked weird. 1st time. hahax. the 1st 4 cookies all are burnt. swt! I don't know the temperature.
I putted it HIGH! The 1st 4 cookies outside was cooked and inside also cooked la.. But inside are SOFT.lolx
and I worried about that.. My mum said: "don't worry, it is your 1st time of baking."
Then, I turned the temperature into Medium! BUT BUT BUT I putted it 30 minutes. Burnt again. It was 50% success and 50% fail. Why? i also donno. 15 cookie gone! the third time! 100% success! but i only done 5 cookies only. hahax. My kitchen... WOW! the Cookies' Smell.. Like Famous Amos Shop.. hahax..I feel that i could fly...*Dreaming.
THE 1st 5 Cookies in the world. Then, I brought them for my church friends. Only 5 cookies. Really can share with so many peoples ah? Erm.. Next Sunday, I will bring more for them! hahax. Taste My Cookies. I will post my recipe in my another blog. Chaos'Recipe. Be patient! Coming soon! Still Under Construction.s
My Cookies' Comments.
BRO: WOW, taste nice! I love it.
KKY: Inside got Chocolate Chips? NICE~
Edwin's Mother: ( I forgot what she said).
Edwin: (He's driving, No Comment from him).
Andrea: Not bad ah.. 1st time ma... GOOD!
BRO's Mother: Nice.. Not bad. If you put Corn Flour then feel better.
Uncle Allan: OOI TONG! you din give me try your cookies.( Sorry Uncle Allan. NExt Sunday .. U will try until you get phobia!)lolx.
Angie: *Continued with Uncle Allan's Conversation. Ya loh.. So bad! hahax.
The End.
Next Sunday, who never try my cookies B4. you can try on this coming Sunday. hahax..
Beside of Baking and Waiting For the Call..
I learn Piano as well... hahax Drum too! Drum is very easy.. lolx.. But i need more practice. Piano! Hard than Drum. I know how to see NOTEs already. It looks easy. But when you need to play piano and sambil see the Notes.. It will be more complicated. IMO. I need MORE MORE MORE practice. BRO! I want go your house every day liao.. hahax
The 1st time i play Piano. I was so exciting. But in the end felt very tired. lolx
We wish you a Merry Christmas, Ding Dong(clock's Alarm), Waltz Music, Jingle Bell, Mary has a little lamb, Oh Mcdonald has a farm and more.. I finished whole book in 1 day. lolx. But need more practice. Some song I played, Sound very weird... LAG LAG... hahax.. This are the song that I played.
That's All for today..
Chaos Here.
with a better lighting....