9 November 2007 is the last day for Form 5 pupils a.k.a our school Chinese Association Farewell Day... Erm, If compare to previous year farewell party and this year farewell party.. Conclusion is, this year is the simplest than last year. Do you Know WHY?? only a CAKE! better than nth..
Quite nice, I ate 4 slices... but all Smaller slice ..haiz =.=
"ALL THE BEST"... WTF? should write in Chinese ma! hehee^^

I also got ^^I with Yen Ching
don jealous ok? hehe^^

She is a Malay but she has Indian blood..
She is an Indian but she has Malay blood..
She knows Chinese, Malay, English and donno Tamil!
Make me Confuse! She is crazy,
I like her attitude but don like her person!
Chill~ She is cool! hot! BLACK! Cute^^! and yet her teeth very WHITE!
Best Friend~

*we donno where we need to focus on..bcoz too many peoples are snapping

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