Forum that I found in this morning. Talk about.. Which is the college provide the most!
Let's start the conversation between A, B and C.
A:Hi fellow lowyat.netians...
I'm creating this thread on behalf of my friend who are now figuring, among colleges that offers the course
Which college is the most affordable, good quality and strong marketability graduates?
My friend had shortlisted the possibility to on 2 college, CUIC (Part of Cosmopoint) and UNiTAR.
I'm not familiar with the course and the price involved, it seems like I had to ask u guys here for any feedback and idea which one is better.
B:taylors the one at kurnia building bside federal highway
my bro studyin there total 4 years 80k+-
C:KDU also offers Dip/Deg in Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts
A:I know they offer it and I know the PRICE as well... :$:
Back to the question, CIUC or UniTAR?
B: can always get a loan or if ur results r good got scholarship my bro on ptptn :)
anyways nilai college also offers it
C:yea... i would say KDU college for culinary arts..
dunno about CUIC and UNITAR..
B:maybe u are paying cheap for CUIC and UNITAR... maybe 10-15k maybe...but those are malaysian diploma...
u pay 40k for a full Swiss Diploma..... 2 years programme. u think worth or not?
its like u buying Proton and Honda... u have to understand why ppl go for KDU even though the price is high... and why some ppl just stick to local diploma
A:unitar cheaper...
C:end of the day...if your food sucks...what cert you got also no use...
A:Ever apply for UiTM? Or you might want to try UNITAR.
C: Ahya.... KDU better la...
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year.
Before one really knows.
New Year's Day is here once more
May all that's good be in store.
A Happy & Prosperous New Year!
Year 2008, we are "Welcome" you now!
Year 2007, we are "Thank" you now!
Sayonara, we say "To" you now!
We wish you the best now!
GOoOoOod ByYyYye!
Wishes for year 2008.
- Get 10A1s in SPM.
- Get a part time Job.
- Get A Car.
- Know more about Jesus.
- Be a good Christian.
- Be a BEST Pastry Cook.
- Find My Girl!
- Wish My MUM healthy!
- Wish My BRO good luck and healthy! of coz.
- Wish My Church Friends good luck too!
- Get in a Good College.
- Find A better loan or scholarship for my Further Study.
- All My pastries are nice and famous!
- Get Famous! All the world know... Who is OOI TONG!
- Fetch My MUM every where.
- Fetch My BRO every where, Since He brought me every where!
- I have a lot of PROTEINS.
- A nice hair CUT.
- A healthy Skin. Hopes the Pimples gone!
- Always be Cool~
THE last Wish I need is! I want be healthy. So I can enjoy my 20 wishes. hahax
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Ultimate Videos
Good Bye~ Year 2007 ~Click Here~
AGC. Youth Camp 2007 ~Click Here~
I.U day 2007(SMKSA) Behind the Scene ~Click Here~
School's Project (3K) ~Click Here~
FriendShip Forever ~Click Here~
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Good Bye! December 2007
December 2007 brought me some unforgettable memories! I miss them alots! The Happiness, The Cruelness, The Sadness, The Experiences and More! It brings all in my heart. I shall not forget this month that what had we done and what had we enjoined.
This was the month that I had accepted Christ as my Saviour. Before the MAD camp, I did not believe that Jesus. When BRO keep on explaining it to me and I can't understand and I did not take it seriously. During the Camp. First day, I saw many of Christians are so friendly and they are really willing to help me. Although they just met me a few hours only.. I don even speak to them and they came and chatted with me.. They do not look down on someone. If you are facing a problem... they are willing to pray for you. on the first day of the MAD camp, I was totally blank, I did not know what should I need to do. I joined them when they prayed, I joined them when they worshiped. My friends and I also joined them of coz. That day, I and one of my friend(Ghai Yan) Sang together during Worship section. There provided us lyrics of coz. So we just open our mouth and sing... hahax
I would like to thank Uncle Allan, Who spent alot of time to explain about Christ to us. The first night after we finished the worship, I tried to pray that "Lord, I need a job. A part time job.." Then the miracle did not happen on the second day and yet it happened on the third day. Uncle Allan needed to have extra Workers. Then I agreed to work for him. I think that, Lord helped me on that day. Then that day, I believe on Jesus. I accepted Christ. Actually, it is not Lord's help that i can get a job. It is the VIDEO. VideoClip- Passion of Christ. When I see the Jesus was punished by peoples, My heart felt very sorry to Jesus... because of us, Jesus needed to die on the cross.. So sad! That was the Sadness brought to me. I felt very Sorry, So I decided to accept the Christ. Knowing you Jesus.
After the Camp, I got so many messages from my church friend... Bridget Yap, Jason Ong, My Best Brother in the world, Alvin Ding , Joanne Teh and more...
BRO's Message really touched my heart. That day, I have to thank him. But he slept.. haiz.. miss it.. Thank you Bro! T-T
My dude(Jason)'s message touched my heart too. Thank you dude. Hope can see you Next Year. Hope same college la.. hahax
That's all la...
Continue another NEW post soon.
PLS say GoodBye to MR. December. Good bye! I will miss you forever and ever.
Friday, December 28, 2007
SYOK family outing
Sorry Guys! Chaos' Blog haven't post anythings since Christmas day.. Now The Blog is Activate! hehee^^
Let me explain, Why I was so busy in this few days... erm... I just cut it short! hahax
25 of December 2007, was the day we have a NEW family... call SYOK family.. hahax. It sounds nice! hahax.. I love this family! hahax .. The SYOK family started their outing was from after the caroling... Then we went to Petronas' Mcdonald to have our tea! That day I was very tired! hahax.
Then we bought some food and present(especially from SYOK family) to Angie and celebrated her b'day in her house! hahax After that, We played PS2 and SHOUTed every where! hahax. B'cos of losing! Everyone does not want to lose! right? hahax..ME too... hahax. After that, We went for NIGHT CAROL! ... that's all! then reached home at 11pm.. Then slept!
26 of December 2007, I was very tired! and slept WHOLE day... When i woke up! It was 6 sth of the evening. hahax Actually, I woke up at 12pm... then I watched 1 episode of TVB series, then fell to sleep.That's mean I napped at 2.30pm till 6pm la... hahax Donno why I damn tired!After that.. BRO fetched me out for AVP2 and have our supper in BKFC. WE chit-Chat until almost 1am.. hahax... then we went home.
27 of December 2007, mean yesterday... Our SYOK family outing again.. hahax BRO fetched all and brought us to Petronas' Mcdonald. have our lately breakfast. Then we saw 4 As here(Andy, Angie, Alvin DIng and Auntie... Veron) hahax... This year i met a lots of peoples name start from 'A' hahax... Then we went to buy some SUSHIs and went to Maluri Park to have our family vacation. After that, We went to Tesco to have drinks... Then sent Andrea back.. Then Dexter... Then ME... Then Bro.. hahax
28 of December 2007, We went to KDE! hahax... BRO fetched all then reached there at 3 sth... RM15 per day. hahax... we enjoyed! hahax... erm.. lazy to type.. i Just show you all those photo we took it just now... Erm... another 3 As joined us(Andy, Angie and Uncle Allan) hahax
Then We went to Uncle Allan house to have dinner.. then went back home.. tired!

Monday, December 24, 2007
Counted Down For Christmas.
24th of December is Christmas Eve for the day 25th of December.. I'm sure people know... But I'm Crapping here... hehee^^ a bit drunk @.@ dizzy~.. hahax Just woke up! Why I drunk? I also donno... Maybe I drank 1 or 2 glass of wine! It taste nice! and Making my body warm... GENG~ I love it!
Erm.. Let's talk about Wht was I done yesterday... NOthing much...MOrning, Andy's POPO(grandmother), Andy, Nick', Bro and I went to KLCC. Bro bought me a hat! hahax.. Cool~ Andy bought his father a Damn Funny and Nice T-Shirt.. hahax. In a while, Suddenly all Stomachache! OMG...except Bro... 3 of us ran to the toilet! Then we chit-chat in toilet. Then Bro wait for us... hahax My damn good bro ah... hahax
Then, we passed all our waste then continued to find somethings to fill in the stomach again... hahax. How about Andy's Grandmother... Donno! hahax... Donno where she went. We bought our presents and went back to Andy's house. Alvin was there... hahax Crazy fella.. Laugh like an idiot... hahax Joke Joke! Quotes From Andy.. hahax...

2 Christmas Girls are here!
Angie and Yee Mee..
Before Count down, We were caroling! lolx.. hahax So fun! I got a Christmas Present from Uncle Allan & Aunt Veronica. A Holy Bible. Woah.. Damn nice! hahax I love it! Thank you...

My Bible!

This is the present given by Uncle Allan to his lovely wife.. A handphone Nokia 6XXX.. hahax
All gave each others a Huge hug... I gave everyone a HUG~! Want my hug? hahax..
After that, All ran in the house and OPEN Christmas Presents.. lolx I was getting drunk! Dizzy DIZZY... hahax
No more presents to open.. And Uncle Allan called us GO HOME! b'coz Next day is A Chrismas Service..hahax
Ok that's all...
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Christmas Eve...
Silent Night!... That's the song we always sing before Christmas! It brings peaceful to us.. Is only few hours here for Christmas.. Hope everyone appreciate it. It only once in a year! I appreciate it a lot! I have no regret to accept Jesus! My friend and my mother now also supported me! thanks a lot.. especially my bro. KengLik. He always bring me to church for pray. Thank you bro! 2nd, Uncle Allan. He always beside me.. prays for me... helps me solve my problems/solutions. He is a nice guy! HELPFUL.. hahax. Just now in bro's BBQ party.. I chatted with Uncle Allan... He said he will help me! He teached me how to pray!
You know what! That day, I went to Ampang Point and asking for a JOB. I would like to work in Golden Oven there. But the workers said NO JOB VACANCY HERE! SORRY... Then, today Uncle Allan told me that.. He got a friend open a bakery/cakeshop in Ampang Point!The Shop name is GOLDEN OVEN! I kena Shocked! I think Uncle Allan will help me! hahax...
I think... When I accepted the God.. My life changed a lots...
My attitudes... My Luck... My relationship with my friends..... My relationship with my mum.Mostly, I have no argue with my mum already...honestly..
Jesus. I have no regret to accept you! My soul is belonging to you! Say Jesus' name! Amen..
Hope tomorrow I will learn more from Uncle Allan! CountDown for Christmas!
Hope can bring me some memorable things.
Silent Night...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
1- Utama
Finally, went to 1-Utama! hahax...Thomas, KengLik, Edwin and OOI TONG a.k.a Ah Wong!
Damn it! We saw Ah Wong's Poster pasted on the WONG KOK restaurant! They keep on saying me Ah Wong! REGRET! haiz.. that day I acted Ah Wong in Xmas Party! hahax Ah Wong damn Cute la... I not him SOOOoo Cute!
All wear MAD 4 Jesus T-shirt!hahax
We reached about 3 sth! Then, went to search presents for KengLik's Family.. He is a nice guy... lolx! See he treat his family! SOO good! My brother ma, Absolutely good la.. hahax
But today, He's a bit "CACAT" I mean OKU! hahax sry bro.. He walked ah... hahax, Damn funny, like old man! hahax I(my shoulder) as A tongkat for him! He bought a nice and a bit expensive presents for his 3 sisters... but bought chocolates for his mother, father and BROTHER!! hahax.. Damn pity the brother ah! hahax The chocolate quite nice la...
We walked walked! searched searched! Then go and have lunch/tea in A&W... The chickens smell nice! but not nice to eat la... hahax My taste la...

Chickens!! Smell nice ~ Yummy... I love it!
The drink! woah.. Perfect! lolx

J-CO? NO!lolx
Is Apple Cafe!(forgot the name) hehee^^

I like the BOX! haha AVP2! coming soon!
must watch!

Hahax! My fault! My fault! My Fault!

Wht is Thomas doing at the back? Like both are kissing la.. hahax

After lunch/tea... after buying presents... I found! About Edwin! hahax bought an expensive stuff (RM49.90 i think.. Not sooo Sure!) to some one! hahax Cant mention the name! I also donno hehee^^
Another 1 thing ... I found! About KengLik! hahax like small boy! worst than Ah Wong! hahax

Is the time for me going to sleep now! hahax Mother is scolding! Chill~ MUM! Bye~
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Chaos' Power
Theme: Chaos' Power
Start from January 2008...
Coming soon
This is the Trailer!
With a better lighting....
Merry Christmas...
AGC youth X'mas Party.
20 December 2007, This was my 1st time to join this AGC's Xmas party. hahax...
We reached there 4pm++.. KengLik asked me to wait him at 3 sth.. and he came on 4pm... Damn It! hahax... Chill bro...
Then, we decorated the church with spray white things(donno wht is that.) on the screen of the AGS's door. hahax.. So messy!But the "Fat Guy"(sry) said... "very nice..." hahax...
Ok then, I and Alvin went up to see how is the sketch...When I opened the door... The director said: "come! sit!... Get him a character!" haha.. Then, AH WONG is the character that i need to act! hahax.. So, I need to think of Ah Wong character! haiz... Feel very MALU la... hahaax.
Now I am getting Famous! hahax.. chill~ Ah Bar here~ Ah Bar There~... Maybe Ah Wong here~ Ah Wong There~ hahax...
Then, finished Sketch, finished dinner, The video~ hahax Michelle, U r best actress in this Video, Bcoz u r only 1 girl there! hahax..Finished Video. Now, is the time for PRESENTS... hahax I am No.1 and also the 1st person to draw the present.. hahax...
- Santa hat= I bought it myself(yhan bought, I paid him $$) Rm1.50 only
- Soft Toy= I drew It! NO.70!!! hahax...
- Cross = Jason gave me! as my Xmas Present! haha.. thanks dude.. I will get u 1.. hahax

This is the Xmas present that i bought to My Brother..KengLik... hahax
Is a T-shirt! nice right? 8th Sounds-->79C-197-2-88.... donno Wht the hell.. hahax
Bro, Hope you like it! hahax...Appreciate it ok? hahax
With a better lighting...
Merry Christmas ....
Sunday, December 16, 2007
After Work.
Between 4 to 5 pm, After the party(Microsoft Family's DAy) and we finished our duty of cleared the place. Keng Lik received a call that he needs to pass the PA things to Yin Mei in Sg. Wang...
Woah.. That was jammed like hell.. hahax. Keng Lik's car looks old.. And all cars potong his line! hahax... Gave people bully! hahax.. Bro, Next time buy a NEW car bully them back! hahax..Chill~
KengLik, LSO, Edwin, YuHan and ME were in the car!
Then, We decided to stay there until 10pm, then go home! What to do? Dehydrated and Dizzy... We suffered 2 D in car... HELP ME~~ hahax. We dropped Edwin and YuHan middle of the BIG road! then we went for parking... hahax.. LSO told us some place can park and cheaper... Next time I will call my mother to park her car over there! hahax.
We walked thro' Sg. Wang to find Edwin and YuHan. Then we walked to Pavillon. It is So BIG. DAMN BIg.. I think similar with 1-Utama.hahax I saw TrueFitness Outlet there.. Woah, I think I am going to transfer to there.Easy for me to get there better than get to Jaya33 there. hahax.
When we 1st time stepped into Pavillon. We such as GG. hahax We walked walked until Q-ing also donno.. damn Stupid la.... people Q for take picture with Santa and A Big White X'mas Tree.
In there, We did not know we are Q-ing there, When I saw people continued Q at our back... hahaa.. Damn funny. Then we worried about "How Much is it?"or " NEED TO PAY?". Then... It is Free!!! finally... hahax. Is only RM1 for the 4R photo. Cheap right? hahax This is the Picture!

This it is! I love this Picture so much!
Like Brothers right? hahax.. erm.. Friendship Forever better!

KengLik! What r u doin'? hahax.
Actually No water in the can. He just biting the Straw! hahax

OK! Let's talk about what was our journeys...
Sg.Wang----> Pavillon -----> Bukit Bintang ------> Lot 10 -----> Sg. Wang ----->Times Square----->Sg. Wang ------> Lot 10 -----> Car Park ------> Ampang Petronas Mcdonald
Mcdonald as My Supper.. hahax..
Then KengLik sent me back!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Worked @ KLCC
Before the camp, my Mother was keep calling me go to work! But I have no idea to find a proper and only 1 day or 2 days' job. example like HICOM PC Fair... So I can spend my time with my friends in this December. Why is my mother so angry about I din get a Job? B'coz I always spent my time in front of Computer. As a mother..Should be angry right? hahax
This was my giant that I was facing those day. erm.. I am here to share what is my giant here! and How will it be solve!
In the first day of the MAD 4 Jesus' Camp. I had prayed that I need a Job. Hope Jesus will promise me! The miracle was came in the third day. I was shocked, Uncle Allan needs workers! Then I agreed! The special is.... Is only 1 day... hahax work in Microsoft's Office! Wow... I think that was Jesus planned for me. hahax I think la..
Microsoft's Office has a lot of SECURITY! Actually I think is not, KLCC has a lot of damn bloody hell SECURITY! hahax Chill.... Lock here lock there! when need to open the door, then have to key in the damn code or punch your damn Card there! haha . Some of the door have their limited time to open it. When too long. It will ALERT and "DIIIIiiiiiii......" in whole Office area. hahax. That time we opened the door too long... And the thing happened.. the Microsoft's people came and told us to close that damn door... hahax. Let's talk about LIFT. Wow. So Scary ah.. hahax.. SKIP IT! Skip It! sKip iT! hahax TOO long... too long... Too Long....
It was a Microsoft Family's day.. That's mean, who work in Microsoft' Office and they need to bring their family or children come and have FUN...
We jaga games stall.. Stand 6 to 7 hours. I'm appreciated a lot. hahax. I jaga Golf station! Woah.. People came and sapu all my station prizes. hahahaa... B'coz too easy for them. If can't dapat. They retry again..
When 1 like this... then another 1 follow...then others like this! hahax. They are pro in Golf. You should know right. They always play golf in club or play MINI golf in their office... When they keep on playing, then they will keep only winning..When they keep on winning, then the prizes will keep on lesser... When the prizes keep on lesser, then the people who in charge of the prizes will keep asking. "why your station prizes so less de? Do you give extra?" Swt la...hahax
Forgot all those things.. In 3pm.. We cleared things. Damn tired! Carried here and there... and facing so many damn security! "DI DOT DI DOT" dizzy.......@.@!
That's All
Friday, December 14, 2007
Photo Tag
Tagged by: Charles Key, Joshua and Elaine........
1.Last picture taken.
Taken by who?
Rayson Wong Ghai Yan.
When was it taken?
On the way back to KL from AGC youth camp.
Where was the place?
Peanut Factory.
2.A picture with your friends
When was it taken?
Last Year
Who are they?
My schoolmates and ex-schoolmates
3.A picture of you in a fitting room!
Where is it?
Ampang Point
4.A picture of you with x'mas tree or X'mas decos
Where was it?
5.A picture of you doing peace sign.
6.A picture of u in b&w
Did u took it in b&w or photoshoped?
7.A picture of you in school uniform.(If already graduate, then go get yr photo fr report card book..) 8.A picture of u doing weird things
What were u doing?
Be Tarzan!
9.A picture of u wearing pink
10.A picture of u wearing Black
11.A picture of u wearing Orange
12.Pics of u wearing red.
Charles Key