24th of December is Christmas Eve for the day 25th of December.. I'm sure people know... But I'm Crapping here... hehee^^ a bit drunk @.@ dizzy~.. hahax Just woke up! Why I drunk? I also donno... Maybe I drank 1 or 2 glass of wine! It taste nice! and Making my body warm... GENG~ I love it!
Erm.. Let's talk about Wht was I done yesterday... NOthing much...MOrning, Andy's POPO(grandmother), Andy, Nick', Bro and I went to KLCC. Bro bought me a hat! hahax.. Cool~ Andy bought his father a Damn Funny and Nice T-Shirt.. hahax. In a while, Suddenly all Stomachache! OMG...except Bro... 3 of us ran to the toilet! Then we chit-chat in toilet. Then Bro wait for us... hahax My damn good bro ah... hahax
Then, we passed all our waste then continued to find somethings to fill in the stomach again... hahax. How about Andy's Grandmother... Donno! hahax... Donno where she went. We bought our presents and went back to Andy's house. Alvin was there... hahax Crazy fella.. Laugh like an idiot... hahax Joke Joke! Quotes From Andy.. hahax...

2 Christmas Girls are here!
Angie and Yee Mee..
Before Count down, We were caroling! lolx.. hahax So fun! I got a Christmas Present from Uncle Allan & Aunt Veronica. A Holy Bible. Woah.. Damn nice! hahax I love it! Thank you...

My Bible!

This is the present given by Uncle Allan to his lovely wife.. A handphone Nokia 6XXX.. hahax
All gave each others a Huge hug... I gave everyone a HUG~! Want my hug? hahax..
After that, All ran in the house and OPEN Christmas Presents.. lolx I was getting drunk! Dizzy DIZZY... hahax
No more presents to open.. And Uncle Allan called us GO HOME! b'coz Next day is A Chrismas Service..hahax
Ok that's all...
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